South Pike High School Students Participate in Hands-On Activity in Human Anatomy and Physiology Class

Mrs. Christie Taylor's Human Anatomy and Physiology Classes dissected fetal pigs in December.

The students were excited to get hands-on experience with the anatomy of a mammal, and Mrs. Taylor guided them through the dissection process with care and expertise.

As they worked, the students could identify various organs and systems within the pig's body, including the respiratory, circulatory, and digestive systems. They were amazed at the intricate complexity of the pig's anatomy, and they gained a new appreciation for the wonders of the natural world.

Mrs. Taylor emphasized the importance of respecting and learning from the animals they were studying, and the students were able to approach the dissection with a sense of reverence and curiosity. By the end of the class, they had gained a deeper understanding of human anatomy and a greater sense of wonder and respect for the natural world.

